
Wednesday 17 June 2020

Look alike


This week for writing my goal was to use language features specific to the purpose of the text. We made a short story and had to include some similes, Metaphors, Personification and Onomatopoeia. This is what they mean: 
Similes - Comparing 2 things using like or as. 
Metaphors - Comparing 2 things not using like or as. 
Personification - Giving an object or an Animal human traits 
Onomatopoeia - A sound like Boom or Crash Here is mine hope you enjoy.

Look alike The Bus came to a complete stop. It was like a Trex because of the size of it. Out came Melina, Shawn and Alma. Waiting for them on the other side was Will. “ Took you long enough.” Will sighed. “Oh be pipe down would ya.” Shawn chuckled. They all laughed. The four of them were going to a water park. They made their way to the swimming pool. At the checkout while they were paying there was a weird look on the person's face. It was like they just won a million dollars. “ Hi Zendaya so lovely that you could come here.” She said. “ Zendaya?” They all questioned. Yeah Melina looked a bit like her but how could you get them mixed up. They got changed and went outside. As they were putting on sunscreen a crowd of people surrounded them. “ Don’t tell me these people think you're Zendaya as well.” Will moaned. “Take a photo with me.” “I love you.” The crowd went BOOM. It felt like that grass was pulling them down. Next thing you saw the real Zendaya came out with her agents following behind her. They had only been at the park for like 20 minutes and already got the real Zendaya here. Zendaya was a giant looking over the crowd. Then there was silence. The agents walked right up to the kids and yelled. “ Oi you get here now, I don't know who you are but you're in big trouble.” “ Be quiet Dan.” Zendaya said. “ There was a miscommunication that let the kids go. Sorry for the trouble guys, you can come with us for the weekend.” “YES PLEASE!” They yelled with excitement.

Can you find the Similes, Metaphors, Personification and Onomatopoeia?

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