
Friday 2 August 2019

If your stuck on a story idea. Read this blog.

Hello today I am telling you about the app pobble 365.

Pobble 365 is a free app which give you ideas what to write when you can't think what to write about. I use this everyday becasue a don't know what to write. My best story about it was Batman and what he does after his job. The 365 means that they have a pitcure for everyday of the year.

So lastly I think you should use Pobble 365 becasue of the amazing ideas it gives you. The to Pobble 365 is here. And it also gives you some story starters aswell.

How do you get your ideas for writing?


  1. Hello Ethan
    I really liked your title because I always get stuck on what I should write. I all so like how you linked your batman story on your blog. maybe next time you could write a little more and try put the picture in the middle of your story.
    - Archie

  2. Hi Ethan,
    I really like how you are writing and are getting more ideas for writing from pobble 365. What I think you could do better is have a more catcher title, And for your question I get my ideas from my games that I play
    - Jimi


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