
Thursday 11 June 2020

Simple, Complex and Coumpound sentences.

Welcome back

This week for writing we looked at Simple, Compund and Complex sentences. A simple sentence is 1 meaning. Compund is 2 and complex is 3. Then for the craete task we had write a Paragraph showing 2 examples of a simple, complex and compound. Here is mine hope you enjoy. 




The sun was burning. The wind was breezy.Carols, Dwayne, Brodie and Rocky were going to have some fun tonight, they knew that they couldn’t get in trouble.  They were going to spend the whole day at the beach. Once they got there they went straight for the crowd of people that were surrounding the clear water throwing beach balls everywhere. But they had to set up afterwards. A coconut fell from a tree and hit Rockeys toe although it hurt him he did not cry. They lied down and just chilled for a while. But soon they got Hungry. Carols got some hot chips for everybody, although Dwayne didn’t eat them.

With out looking up what is a Complex sentence?

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