
Thursday 26 August 2021



This week in reading we have been learning about mindset. We learnd about the 2 different mindsets. Growth and fixed. A growth mindset is when you keep trying at something no matter how hard it is or how much times you have failed at it. Then there is a fixed mindset. They give up after 1 failed attemetmp. They think they can do nothing. 

Then we had to pick a person in life the showed a growth mindset. I pick the NBA Isaiah Thomas. First we need to talk about how Isaiah was only 5 foot and 9 inches tall. The average NBA player is 6'7 and the average player at his position is 6'1. So we was shorter than everybody. But that didn't stop him. Then Isaiah got drafted by the Sacromento Kings in the last pick of the draft. He got drafted 60th of 60. He played a few seasons and got traded to Boston where he went wild. Got 4th in MVP voting and that wasn't even the best bit about the season. Ealir in the year Isaiah's Sister Chyna Thomas died in a car crash. Then when it was meant to be her 23rd birthday Isaiah drop 53 points on the exact day. He must of just had such a growth mindset. He was dertemind to get to the top. 

For the DLO we had to think about our learning and what our biggest takeaway was. Mine was to have grit through everything so I made a little video about my Guinea pigs and how they show Grit. Here it is. 

When have you had to show Grit through something?


1 comment:

  1. Ka Rawe Ethan!! What an awesome blog post. This is an absolute highlight!! I love that you have included your Guinea Pigs and have used them as a case study and example for perseverance and grit! I also liked how you used Isaiah Thomas as your example person.

    I wonder how you could draw comparisons between yourself, isaiah and your guniea pig brothers?


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