
Friday 25 May 2018

Blog Profile - Public vs Private

We are learning what to include in a public profile that will go on our blog.

My story.

Hi guys today I'm showing you my story about Batman and the joker a classic battle but Batman has some friends to save the day hope you in joy.

After Work 🦇=batman
 Everyone knows 🦇 one of the greatest super hero of all time but do you know after shift he goes to a cafe. 🦇was chasing the joker down an alley way until the Joker jumped into a garbage bin and when 🦇 had checked he was gone. ðŸ¦‡ checked up and down through garbage bags. Then he finally relaiesd  that his shift was over so he went into the cafe. On the way in he saw a poster saying job up for grab here. As soon as 🦇 saw the sign he raced in and asked his favorite waitress what had happen. Well he was going to do that if he was their. So he went into the office and said to the boss: What happened to Chris. The replied : we just heared that he was getting chased down by someone down a alley way then he jumped into the rubbish bin and after that the man that was chasing him couldn't see him. 🦇 said and what are the was the person that was chasing him called. 🦇. 🦇 went out and then came back in and said can I have a job here. The boss said we would but when we we're in the chat someone already offered. The joker. Where is he asked 🦇. Right here the boss did as he chucked this mask over his face. It wasthe joker . 🦇 had never been in the office before so he didn’t know. Then he was traped………. All the thinking I have done and all I had to do was trap you in my office. Haw haw haw. Now attack my servents!!!!! Sundely he was surraded by all the super villans. And all of them he had put in jail. But then superman flew into the glass door and he used his lazer one the joker. After that then green latern came in and used his ring to lazer the other bad guys and he threw them in jail. The end.

Friday 18 May 2018

What is the purpose of your Blog?

I am learning what is the purpose of having my learning blog. Check out my examples of the types of possibility  you have for a blog.

Friday 11 May 2018

Fun Day out.

On the ninth of my class and a 3rd of miss Powicks went out to Clip n Climb for PBL.
 First we did some art.The art was that miss Powick drew a picture of saint Francis after that she cut it out and we had to color is in like a puzzle.

See in this photo I'm with one of my best friends Lucas. Some of the walls there were really hard to climb and some weren't so hard.

After we got back we got to play with the Lego we had to make something wired. Me and Lucas made a tower to show how much we love titled towers.