
Friday 10 May 2019

If you want to make a better place then look at yourself and make the change.

On the 8th of May Tumu hub had a special guest.  His name was Glenn Andrew. He workes for Vbase. His job is to take care of venues like Horncastle arena, Christhchurch staduim and Hagley oval. He said he used to use just one time plastic cups. One time means after you use it once it just goes in the trash. Then Vbase and some other companys joined up to make a plastic cup that can be used mutipel times. It costs more know for a beer but when you bring your cup back you get a dollar back. This has been very good so far. Before around 250,000 cups a year would go to waste. But this year they have already made $4,500.  Glenn said the next move to make is to make cups out of plants.

Do you know anyone that is helping the envorment?

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