
Friday 3 May 2019

Did I come first in cross counrty?

On the 2nd of May we had cross country. We had been praticing for the last couple weeks and now the hard work was going to pay off.

We all lined up, making our preditons on who would go to zones. On the trip down we were jumping on stones and annoying dogs. When we got there I jumped into a big green thing. Walter park was the park that the racing was happening in. Me and my friends had one big tarpaulin all to our selfs.

As we were waiting Aidan was throwing his water at Mostyn and Blake. As all the races for finshing up.  Miss Hansan said " All the Tumu children come over here." We did our warmups. My legs were shaking. I was about to run 2ks. Once we had lined up Miss Hansan said " On your marks, Go!"

We were off and away, I was in first for about the first 80-100 meters. Then Max Martin over took me. I was close to him for the first 500 meters then after that he just sprinted away from me. The first lap was done and I could just see him in sight.

I knew I had to speed up. So I started to run as fast as I could. As I was going past a flax bush, Arie and Dlyan scared me half to death. After I got back to the race and I was running past Luca he gave me his drink bottle to squirt in my mouth.

I had finished the race. Max got 1st and I got 2nd. Mostyn got third. Charlie 4th, Archie 5th and Lucas 6th.On the way back I was flicking stones with my drink bottle. Once we had got back to school it was luchtime. I can tell you one thing about cross country it is tough and I have to do it all again for zones, another 2k.

Where did you come in your cross counrty?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ethan,

    Good job on coming a good place, please go back and check tyour spelling.
    that was a good blogg- Zac Kelly


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