
Thursday 13 February 2020

First Blog in 2020

This year as it begins I'm really excited to be sharing my working with you. This year I am a year 7 at St Francis of Assisi school.

In the holidays me, and my extend family went to a place called Mapua. My favorite thing that I did there was jump off a Warf and my towel hat that I got. We also went to Rabbit Island which was a beach. It had bright blue water and HOT sand. One day I wish I could go back to Mapua. 

This year I'm looking forward to all the opportunities as a senior at my school. I am going to try do as many things as possible. Also I'm excited for being in Kapa haka and other events at school. Some other things that I'm excited this year is Tough kids, the Fair, all the fun day outs and Top team. 

My hopes for the year are to get into Canterbury's for Athletics, Cross Country and Duathlon. Also I want to become better at my Maths and Handwriting skills. In addition I don't want to lose anything this year like I have been doing in the pass. I want to be focus this year as well. 

What are you excited for this year at school?

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