
Thursday 7 May 2020

2 Way table

This week for Maths my goals were to Make and justify the probability of events in common situations and Use relative frequency to predict events. My Teacher dropped a bottle top on the ground 10 times and we had to predict how it would land. There was 3 possibilities up down and sideways. I guessed down all 10 times and got 6/10. For the create task we had to make a 2 way table of our choice and write claims and justifications about it. Justification is backing your claims with a percentage. Here is mine hope you enjoy.

What sport would you pick?


  1. Hi Ethan
    Well done collecting your statistics. I find it interesting how basketball has become so popular. When I went to school basketball wasn't available to play. I prefer rugby which I'm guessing you do to. Hopefully we still get to have a few games when thing get back to normal.


    1. Hi Steve
      Thanks for Commenting on my posts I really appreciate it. Your were right, I do like Rugby more than basketball and I hope I can play soon.



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