
Thursday 4 March 2021

First blog of the YEAR!!

 Hello Gentelman and Ladies. 

Yes that is right I am a year 8 this year. It is my last year of my Primary school. This is Week 5 by the time I posted this. For Writing our goal understand the purposes for writing and how to achieve those purposes. We had to do a explaintion story. Mine is about why the Poi and Rakau are so important. Here it is. 

Why is Poi and Rakau so important to the Maori culture?
The Poi was used by some of the first Maori people to land on New Zeland. It was used by the Men and the Woman but for different reasons for each of them. For the men, it was required for battles. As for the Woman it was used as a dance as they could do it all with rhythm. But both genders used it for fixing the flexibility and strength in their hands. Most Maori songs that the first comers wrote all used Poi as an object for it to look good. The Poi’s are made out of flax, rope or what the Maoris called it Kii. They put some rocks and stones in the kii and tied it up using flax. Then the Boys would go out and fight with it by swinging it around. That’s why the Poi is so important. It's because The Maoris used it in a bunch of different ways that meant different things. Rakau otherwise known as Taiaha didn’t have the same vibe as the Poi did. It was mainly traded for Musketts. But before that it was used for close combat as it was sharp and it was heavy. It was between 1.5 meters and 1.8 meters. It had two major things that made Taiaha. Number 1 is obviously being wood. That’s why Taiaha was made alot by the Maori because you could make heaps of it. The next part of a Taiaha is a whale bone. This was the side where you hit your opponents or animals. Like the Poi, Taiaha is so important because of how many different things you can do with it. 
What year are you this year?

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Ethan I really like you writing I learnt heaps about the poi and the rakau like the poi is made out of flax and rope. Oh yer I'm Year 8.


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