
Wednesday 23 June 2021

4 Year Old buys $3500 of ice cream!


This week for reading our goal was Select from a wide range of genre when reading independently. We had to go to and pick 3 articles from Kiwi kids news that were from 3 different genres. Then we had to read them and write our thoughts about it. Also we had to rewrite the headline. The cool thing we did this week was there was no DLO's.

Title: 4 Year Old buys $3500 worth of ice cream! - Genre: Interest articles.

I think this is funny and sad at the same time. Like how do you let a 4 year old who has Autism on a computer by himself. Also how did you know the address of his aunties house. But luckily people and giving money to the fundraiser. Some shapes that are in this book are. If I could make the title I would change it to : "$3500 worth of Ice Cream bought but by not who you would think." 

Title: Blackcaps into Test Championship Final - Genre: Sport

For me being a cricket fan and liking the blackcaps I quite enjoy how we are in the final. As the time I am writing this it is the 2nd to last day and it is looking like it will be a draw. But it is good how we made it. I would change the title to "Blackcaps get rematch and Lords after World cup lost"

Title: Tornado hits South Auckland - Genre: Weather, National

I give all my prayers to the residents that have had to deal with loved ones being lost or their homes being ruined. I can't believe what I would do if  that happened to me and my family. But what the government is doing is great and I fully respect it. I would change to title to " Tornado Smacks down in Auckland.

Could you eat that much Ice Cream?

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