
Friday 11 June 2021

Areas, Perimters and too much math to handle!

 Hello ,

You know this week we had HEAPS OF GOALS. And when I say heaps I mean HEAPS! Like these were our goals. use side or edge lengths to find the perimeters of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles. Use a variety of strategies to calculate the area of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles. Use side or edge lengths to find the volumes of cuboids. Use appropriate scales, devices, and metric units for weight (mass) and to accurately measure length. Convert between metric units, using whole numbers and commonly used decimals. 

That was alot. We had to do a bunch of questions. Then for the create task we had to make a little course that will be in Top Team. Top team is a big thing that has heaps of Courses. My Course is a 3 legged race which you have to run around cones and drop off a person. We had to figure out the Perimter and Area of the Course here is mine and my friends.

Our Area is 24 meters and our Perimteter is 20 meters.
A cone is every 2 meters. 
There is two teams. 
Would you wanna play our game?

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