
Wednesday 8 September 2021

How to draw a cute little Piggy.

 Ki Ora,

This week for reading we learned about instructions. Reading and Writing were linked this week. Our goal was Purpose of reading - to understand, to think differently. We talked about when it is ok to skim and scan and when it is ok to read the whole thing. When you are baking something or doing instructions you need to read the whole thing or your final product won't be a nice. But if your wanting to decided on 2 books you just skim and scan.

For the create we had to follow these inscrutctions but when didn't know what they were for. Here are the ones I followed. 

Here is what I got.

For our Writing we had to write a set of instructions. that were less than 150 words and less than 8 steps. I made my instructions on how to draw a cute little piggy that I learned how to draw in year 3. It is really simple but is fun and it looks so good if done well. Anyways here it is.
Did you get a Piggy?

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