
Tuesday 27 August 2019

My amazing writing!!

Hello bloggers for writing this week we have been learning to do a Explanation text which is when you explain how or why something is done. Here is my one, I hope you enjoy.

Why NBA players get paid more than WNBA players.

Do you like to play basketball, hoping one day that your going to make millions. Well that’s all good if you do but just don’t get mad when I tell you that the men in the NBA get paid more than the Woman in the WNBA.

The reason behind NBA players making more than WNBA is not the skill of the players and we are not sexus. It is because the WNBA players play 34 games a season making 52 million a year and NBA players play 82 games a season and earn 6 billion a year.This is with Merch T.V ratings, T.V shows, sponsorships and tickets.With that the WNBA stars can’t get the 100 million contracts because the league doesn’t have that sort of money.

So people like Candace Parker and Sue Bird can’t get what they deserve. The WNBA salary is $110,000 and the NBA salary is $109. 14 million. Like my favorite NBA player Damian Lillard makes 49 Million a year. And Candace Parker only makes 1.2 Million a year. 

Finally WNBA players make more than NBA players by a lot but that doesn’t mean you can’t play the sport.

Have you ever done a explanation text?

Friday 23 August 2019

PBL challenge!

This week for PBL we did three challenges and my favourite one was the clothes one. For the clothes one we had to make Formal clothes out of 24 sheets of Newspaper 10 meters of tape and scissors. I came late from make a space. When my group had finished I had an airpod and earring and a watch. Archie had a crop top, skirt and a hat. Lily had earrings, skirt and jeans. Then Megan and Peita had a skirt and Megan had a top aswell.

Thursday 15 August 2019

Scoring trys in winter sport.

This year for winter sport I did rugby for the 2nd time. My team was a mix of wins and losses but we grew as a team and learnt to trust each other. My favourite position to play was either half back or First five. I like these positions because I get to touch the ball a lot and I get to run a lot. My favourite game was against St Martins. It was 2-1 to them with a minute to go. Then Mostyn got a intercept try to tie it up. Then a last play the ball popped up and I ran around 10 meters then scored the game winning try.

Our coach this year was Steve. Steve is a very good coach because he has a lot of experience with rugby so he teaches us very well. My fitness this years has gone up because of the fast pace of rugby. Next season I will tryout for rugby again.

If you do winter sport how much games did your team win?

Friday 2 August 2019

If your stuck on a story idea. Read this blog.

Hello today I am telling you about the app pobble 365.

Pobble 365 is a free app which give you ideas what to write when you can't think what to write about. I use this everyday becasue a don't know what to write. My best story about it was Batman and what he does after his job. The 365 means that they have a pitcure for everyday of the year.

So lastly I think you should use Pobble 365 becasue of the amazing ideas it gives you. The to Pobble 365 is here. And it also gives you some story starters aswell.

How do you get your ideas for writing?