
Tuesday 10 September 2019

Another great piece.

Hello this is another one of my explanation texts. Hope you enjoy.

How has Technology changed our school lives.

How was your first day of school, were there TV's, Computers or even ipads. If no there is a lot we need to talk about. Because now we have all those things in school to help us learn.

Now the projector was made because it was an easier way to learn. If the work was on a screen the children would be more attached to it more than they would if the teachers typed it on the board. Also the projector was made in 1879 but if came into the school in 1925. But it wasn’t a projector that used the internet like it does now. Another thing is the printer or the photocopier. This is an easier way for the teacher to give out work like word searches on pieces of paper.

Ipads and computers are very popular at school for younger kids, just like the projector it is more entertaining than doing work on paper. This has changed how people work because it is easier to access a doc or slide  then finding a page in your book. Also you can’t take photos, make movies or even play games with a book but you can with ipads and computers.

Lastly there has been heaps of things to help school learning like how we have math games for a fun way to learn, also some schools have intercon which are when your principale can talk to all the classes at once. Or like how we have ipads so we can check in, and online school reports.

So technology has changed our learning a lot. But I think in the future it will be different, some ideas are portable computers that when you think it types. So I hoped you learnt how technology has changed our lives.

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