
Thursday 19 March 2020

Language features.

Welcome back. 

For writing this week our goal was to use language features specific to the purpose of the text. We looked at language features and the purpose of an Information report. Then our create task was to make a poster than shows the purpose of an information report and language features. I made my poster on skectpad. Hope you enjoy.

Whats you favourite type of writing?

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Math with Basketball

Welcome back to my blog. 

This post I will be sharing my math with you. My goal this week was to Use a broad range of strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems with whole numbers & decimals. For my create task I had to make a google slide then and show 2 word problems with this goal. Hopy you enjoy. 

How would of you solved this problem?


Hello today I will be showing you my connections with the deadly flu of 1918 as it took over NZ and the world. My goal this week was to make connections between texts and own life experiences , using more sophisticated texts. 

I created my DLO on MindMeister. It shows my 4 connections to the text. I hope you enjoy my work. 

What do you think about the Coroanavirus?

Friday 13 March 2020

Communication is key.

Hello, this Blog I will be talking to you about Communication. 

Communication is apart of life and it is very useful. Like if you want the salt at the Dinner table or if you are working in a group. So we all got into our PBL groups and got given our own communication task. First the teachers gave us an envelope  with cut up pieces of cards and our goal was to make as many full cards as possible. This was a great way to communicate and work out which cards goes where.

How well do you communicate?

Thursday 5 March 2020

A creative thinker.

Hello and welcome to my blog.

Today I will be sharing you my blog about creative thinking. First we looked at 100 ways how a paper clip can be used. Some of mine were you can : Throw it, Bend, Put paper together and make a ring out of it. Then after we got given 4 circles and 4 squares. Our job was to make them into real life objects.

With my circles I made a face, a Basketball, the select button on a TV remote and a soccer ball. With my squares I made a oven, computer, Spongebob and a Cardboard Box warped in tape. Here is my drawing. 

What other things could you use a paper clip for. 

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Collaboration blog.

A little bit of my PBL in term 1 was to create an project for the fair. This is my collabroation focus. 
  • Work highly effectively and interdependently, identifying and using each other's strengths and skills.

Our group is good at working together when collaborating on task when everyone has to do something.

When we get assigned jobs we all get it done to help our group.We use each others strengths and skills when assigning everyone a job.

  • Make important decisions that take into consideration different perspectives and the mutual benefit of the group.                                                                                                                     Our group is good at compromising our ideas and seeing why the other person wants it a different way. 

We try to give everyone in our group a job that they want to do.

  • Take active responsibility for the way the group works together to create a quality product

Our group is good at taking responsibility to collaborate on our task to ensure everyone is doing what they need to do to make a quality.

have a good understanding of different points of view, express their viewpoints and empathise, listen and learn from others

Our group has listened to everyone who has had an idea and we have learned from our mistakes that we have made. Next time we could let everyone say what they thought.

During this time I think I have shown collaboration by

  1.  Checking all the work.
  2. Helping with the making. 
Next time I think I could ask what I could do.

What collaboration strength do you bring to a team?