
Thursday 30 April 2020

Dobling the final Constant

Welcome back.
This week for writing my goal was to spell high-frequency and some difficult words correctly drawing on knowledge of how words work. We looked at some videos and had to master 1. I chose doubling the final constant. The create task was to make a DLO showing that you understand it. Here is mine hope you enjoy.

Did you learn anything from my poster.

Underground wars.

Hi,  this week for reading my goal was Identify at least one important idea and justify why it is important. Identify some text events and features, and discuss what they make the reader think about. We got to pick a article about NZs part of the war and write down the 3 main things about it Here is mine hope you enjoy

What would you do if you had to go to war?

Tree diagrams.

Hello and welcome back,
This week my math goal was to Use tree diagrams to find the possible outcomes for a sequence of events. We looked at tree diagrams and how to make them. The create task was to make up a question and then make a tree diagram about it. This is mine hope you enjoy.

Have you ever made a tree diagram?

Thursday 23 April 2020

Is it real?

Hello Blogger,
This week for reading my goal was  to use knowledge from text to combine with new ideas (own and others) to come up with new thinking, and make connections between other texts and general knowledge to expand meaning and pose questions, using more sophisticated texts. We learnd about fake facts and what they can do to us. We also learnd how to check if something is real or fake. For the create task we had to make a google drawing about how to see if something is real or fake. This is my one, hope you ejnoy.

What are some other ways you can tell if something is real or fake?

My maths chart.

Welcome back.
My math goal this week was Complete a statistical investigation by collecting, displaying and discussing data. We got to choose two variables of a bunch of different things and make a chart out of it using google sheets. Then for the create task we had to make 2 or 3 statements about it. I choose what hand year 7 & 8 prefer. Here is mine hope you enjoy.

Sorry if it is not clear. 
What hand do you prefer?


Welcome blogger, 
This week for writing my goal was to Revise and rework writing for clarity and purpose and proofread for spelling, grammer and punctuation. We looked at some ways we could edit our writing piece. Then we got taught 2 simple ways we can improve our writing. Arms and Cups. Arms stand for. Add, remove, move and spelling. Cups stand for Capitals, understanding, puncuation and substitute. The create task was to show you guys how to use cups. Here is mine hope you enjoy.

Do you know any other ways to edit your writing????

Thursday 16 April 2020


Hi Blogger!

This week for Maths our goal was to solve Add/Sub problems with whole numbers and decimals. We got to choose out of 3 strategies to use. They were : Reversibility, equal adjustment and Rounding and compensating. I chose reversibility. The create task was to explain the strategie and how to use it. I have made a google drawing show how to use reversibility. Hope you enjoy it.
What is your favourite strategie for maths?

The reason behind a Biography

Welcome back to my blog.
This week my goal for writing was use language this is appropriate to the topic and purpose. First we looked at the purpose of different types of writing. Some examples are 
Argue - to make a statement 
Biography - to inform people about someone
Some language features you should use in a Biography are : Only facts, No imagination, Nouns and it is written in past tense. The create task was to name the purpose of a Biography and grab a paragraph form our biographies and show what language features we used in them. We also had to say why we used them. Here is mine hope you enjoy. 

I used Nouns because the are really effective when I'm trying to explain my person and where she was born. 
The reason I used facts about my person is because you can not lie or make up facts in a Biography. 
I wrote my Biography in past tense because I can not predict things in the future and this stuff has already happened. 

What's you favourite type of Writing?

Wednesday 15 April 2020

My Connections part 2.

Hello Blogger,
Today I will show you my follow up for my reading. My goal was make connections between texts, using more sophisticated texts. We looked at some texts and had to pick 2 of them and make are connections like last time. I picked NZ's history of protests and Harry's War. I have also left links on the pictures. Hope you enjoy my final product

Question: What do you think about NZs protests over the years?