
Friday 15 May 2020

Story time

Hi Blogger,
This week for writing we focused on Narrative writing. Narrative writing is all about entertaining the reader. We watched some videos on how to write a Narrative. It goes orentaion, problem and then a souliton. Then for the create task we had to write a narritve. I did mine about some creatuers coming out of a portal. Here is mine hope you enjoy.

Creatures from the deep. 
Walking back from School Liam and Chris were discussing how they were going to stay up all night. Chris was going over to Liam's house tonight. Liam and Chris were very different. Liam was careful and Chris a wild goose. But they were still friends.

Once they got home Liam’s Father ran to them with excitement and siad. “ Do you boys want to see something cool?” Liam wasn't interested. Chris said yes politely. Liam’s Dad was a scientist. He took them to his lab across the Street. Inside there was a machine. “ This was supposed to be an automatic food maker but we stuffed up and now we don’t know what this is.” “When will we find out?” Quickly Liam asked. “We won’t, so us 3 are going to destroy it tomorrow.” Answered the Dad.

 Around 5 minutes later when they got home they jumped in the pool. Dinner tonight was Spaghetti bolognese, Chris’s favorite. When it was bedtime Liam snuck in some snacks. Everything was fine until they heard terrifying sounds from the Lab across the street. Liam’s Dad went to go to investigate but just after a couple minutes he came out screaming following him were 3 creatures.

 A Dragon, a Werewolf and a Yeti. They didn’t attack though. Some neighbors saw and got freaked out so they called the FBI. Then Just like that there were cops, army members and FBI agents. As they were loading up some shots Liam and Chris ran inside to turn the machine off. Yes someone had left it on. So as the Dragon, Yeti and Werewolf were getting sucked in there were rapid fire shots everywhere including grenades and RPGs. Finally when the creatures were back in the portal the cops blew it up and Liam and Chris were heros.

Whats your favourtite type of writng?

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