
Thursday 20 August 2020



The last couple of weeks we have been doing Cantamath, Cantamath is like math but you race other people for it. We have been doing trails for ages now. We have been doing things like team challenges, induvadlie challenges and more. I really hope I make that team becuase I want to go to the competiton.

Do you think I'll make the team?

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Speech final part

 Hi ya,

This is the last week that we worked on our speeches. They had to be done by Friday but I was a good boy and I finished. Here is my favourite paragraph. It is part of the Big Finish part. I choose this paragraph because I put in a quote and an inspirational thing, I hope you enjoy.

We can complete this goal, we can stop bad health care. You're the shepherd, we are the sheep so lead us into the right path and remember you can’t enjoy your wealth if you don’t have good health.

What do you think of it?

Thursday 13 August 2020

Mental health part 2

 Were back again,

Hello we have keep doing to speech. This week we looked at the goals damage caused, challenge and specific problem. Here is mine so far.

Why don’t all people get the same treatment?
Why is it that some people get sick but they can’t get treated?

You would be horrified to know 6 million children around the world die under the age of 5 each year. Let’s pretend 2 Babies were born, 1 in poverty and the other one in a healthy life. Now I don’t think you want to know that the baby in Poverty is twice as likely to die under the age of 5.

In 2017 only 1 third of people around the world were covered by the health service. That's 5 billion that didn’t have health service for when they needed it. 

Now with Covid 19 it has separated the rich and poor apart. Putting some people in bankruptcy or poverty. Can you imagine what would happen in 20 years if you didn't stop it now? Your kids and your grandkids might not get the treatment they need. We have already done a good job so far, since 1990 17, 000 less kids die each year. 

I want to get deeper into the problem, I’m looking at how we can keep the death rate of children under 5 lower. Like I said before 6 million kids under the age of 5 die each year. Now this is a world problem, but the main source of it comes from Sub-Saharan Africa and Central and Southern Asia. With over 80% of deaths from 2018 when they only have 52%  of children under the age of 5 is not ok. 

Do you like this so far?

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Should kids be able to eat junk?

 Hey can you here me out.

This week for reading we had to pick between if kids should be able to eat junk food. Personaly I don't know why someone would think that kids shouldn't be able te eat junk food. No one eats loads and loads of Junk food. If you eat junk food you can still be fit like some athlets are. I don't have anything to share because we did it live.

What do you think about kids eating junk food?

Thursday 6 August 2020

Te Reo Maori


For Maori this week we went over the phrases what is this, what is that and what is that over there. In Maori these things are 
He aha tēnei? What is this?
He aha tēnā? What is that?
He aha tērā? What is that (over there)?

For the create task we made a comic here is mine.

No what is What is this in Maori?


Hi guys, 

You wouldn't believe what we did for Cybersmart, we made a comic. It had to be about how we would react to a positive comment and a negative comment. Me and my mates create an animation about how we would react to it. This took along time to do and there is over 200 slides so if you could watch it, it would mean alot. Thank you.

Have you ever made an animation before?



Hi, How are you guys. This week for reading we go told about how scientists are making robots that will be better than humans and if we like them or not I personality don't like them. But I'll let you see my facts.

What do I already know? I know that this will be about the future I know that will be on how robots and their impact for the future Humans are going jobless 
What do I think I know? I think this will be how Humans are becoming endangered.
Get with a buddy
Powerbill, Expensive, Job takers, Humans become pets, Humans become endangered, We have created great things.

What do you think about Robots?

Wednesday 5 August 2020

Why don’t all people get the same treatment?


This week for writing we were looking at Mental health and wellbeing. We had to pick out of 4 things and I choose Mental health. Here are some facts and Rhetorical questions I thought  were good. Here they are,

Hard Hitting Facts Goal 3
17,000 less children die each day than in 1990
6 million children die each year under the age of 5
In the past 20 years measles vaccines have killed over 15.6 million people 
More women are receiving antenatal care. In developing regions, antenatal care increased from 65 per cent in 1990 to 83 per cent in 2012
As of 2013 2.1million people between the ages of 10 - 19 have HIV

Rhetorical questions 
How would you feel if you're sick and homeless?
How would you feel if you were sick but there was nothing to do about it?
Would you teach others about drugs and alcohol?
Why don’t all people get the same treatment?

Are you doing speeches?