
Tuesday 31 August 2021

Just call me Rickey Baker.


This week for writing we talked about all kinds of different poems. The 4 we learned were a Haiku, Rhymed Poem, Riddle Poem and a Shape Poem. A Haiku has 3 lines. The first line must have 5 syllabes. Then the 2nd line must have 7 syllables and the last one was 5 syllabes. A Rhymed Poem is simple it just has to rhyme, then a riddle poem is when you describe something but don't actually say what it is. And a shape poem is when the lines are twisted to shape into what your talking about.

I did  a Haiku about summer. So you could basically just call me Ricky Baker from Hunt for the Wilder people. Here it is. 

Have you seen Hunt for the Wilder People?

Thursday 26 August 2021

Ethan Explains Maths.


This week for Maths we did some fractions questions we learned how to find a fraction from a fraction. You just have to times the number. So if we were finding out what 3/4 of 2/6 were we just do 3 x 2 = 6. 4 x 6 = 24. So the answer would be 6/24 which can be simplified to 1/4. For the create we had to record ourselves answering 2 questions. Also we had to make our own. Here is mine.  

How would you work mine out?



This week in reading we have been learning about mindset. We learnd about the 2 different mindsets. Growth and fixed. A growth mindset is when you keep trying at something no matter how hard it is or how much times you have failed at it. Then there is a fixed mindset. They give up after 1 failed attemetmp. They think they can do nothing. 

Then we had to pick a person in life the showed a growth mindset. I pick the NBA Isaiah Thomas. First we need to talk about how Isaiah was only 5 foot and 9 inches tall. The average NBA player is 6'7 and the average player at his position is 6'1. So we was shorter than everybody. But that didn't stop him. Then Isaiah got drafted by the Sacromento Kings in the last pick of the draft. He got drafted 60th of 60. He played a few seasons and got traded to Boston where he went wild. Got 4th in MVP voting and that wasn't even the best bit about the season. Ealir in the year Isaiah's Sister Chyna Thomas died in a car crash. Then when it was meant to be her 23rd birthday Isaiah drop 53 points on the exact day. He must of just had such a growth mindset. He was dertemind to get to the top. 

For the DLO we had to think about our learning and what our biggest takeaway was. Mine was to have grit through everything so I made a little video about my Guinea pigs and how they show Grit. Here it is. 

When have you had to show Grit through something?


Tuesday 17 August 2021

4 Chemicals in the brain


For PBL we learned about how the four Chemicals in the brain that make you happy. Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins. My favourite is Endorphins because it release stress and for alot of the time I get stressed about my work. Here is my slide about what I just talked about plus. 

What did you do, to get happy?

Thursday 12 August 2021

You better have peace.


This week for reading it was all about inner peace for outer actions. First we watched how Po from Kung fu Panda had good inner peace. Then we read about Whare Tapa Wha. The four walls of wellbeing. I read about Social wellbeirng. What I learned is that if you have good relationships with people you can enjoy life. I also learned about how inner peace is the knew wealth. You can also enjoy life is the most important. Then we had to color a peace sign. 

Have you watched Kung Fu Panada?