
Monday 27 September 2021

3v3 Tournament!


Our reading this week was all about communitys, What makes a community and how can communities help us. We were also focusing on the beatitudes. Our goal was: Making Connections and Synthesising. First we read a "Be" poem. Which was realted to the beatitudes. Then we read about a Man who lives alone for 32 years in a island. 

For the create me and my friend Jasper made a DLO about a Social event that we could do. It also had to have a reasoning about how to would make a community happier. Ours makes everyone happier because everyone will be having a good time and we will come closer because you have to work together. Here it is. 

Would you come to our event?

Thursday 9 September 2021

What Shapes are in your house?


This week for Maths we were learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Our Goal was: identify and sort two and three dimensional shapes into classes, defining properties and justifying the decisions made. We talked about Parallel lines which are lines that never touch. Like a Rectangle has 2 sets of Parallel lines. The top and the sides. For the create task we had to name shapes in our house. And we had to name how many Sides, Faces, Parallel sides, Edges and Vertics. Here it is.

What Shapes are in your house?

Wednesday 8 September 2021

How to draw a cute little Piggy.

 Ki Ora,

This week for reading we learned about instructions. Reading and Writing were linked this week. Our goal was Purpose of reading - to understand, to think differently. We talked about when it is ok to skim and scan and when it is ok to read the whole thing. When you are baking something or doing instructions you need to read the whole thing or your final product won't be a nice. But if your wanting to decided on 2 books you just skim and scan.

For the create we had to follow these inscrutctions but when didn't know what they were for. Here are the ones I followed. 

Here is what I got.

For our Writing we had to write a set of instructions. that were less than 150 words and less than 8 steps. I made my instructions on how to draw a cute little piggy that I learned how to draw in year 3. It is really simple but is fun and it looks so good if done well. Anyways here it is.
Did you get a Piggy?

Wednesday 1 September 2021

My top 3 hobbies in the future.


This week for reading we kept focusing on being happy. But we learned about how hobbies make you happy. I think they make you happy because they distract you from things that may be affecting your happiness. I also think you don't have to be good at your hobby as long as you enjoy doing it. For the create we had a few options but I chose to do the one where you make up 3 hobbies for the future. Here it is.
Would you do my hobbies?

Do you know your Maps?


This week for Maths we learned about Maps, Compasses and grid references. Our Goal was communicate and interpret locations and directions, using compass directions, distances, and grid references. It was basically just like battle ships how you call out "A3"! For the create you hat 2 options. I went with number 2. It was to create a map and give questions with it. Here it is.

Could you get my questions?