
Friday 26 March 2021

100 BLOG!


This is our 100th Blog! It's has been along tine since our first blog. This Week for Maths  we did statistical investigations. My Question was Sheep Population in NZ over the last 18 years. I did it on a sheet then did it on a Google slide for a DLO, here it is. 

Why do you think the Population has gone down?

Thursday 25 March 2021

Amusement park/Water park PART 2!!

 We are so close!!!

Thats right this is blog numbr 99! Yes just like Brooklyn nine-nine. Next blog I post will be the 100th blog that took me nearly 4 years! For reading we had the same goals as last week which are Use knowledge from text to combine with new ideas (own and others) to come up with new thinking and Think while reading, pick up new information, and come up with new ideas and new thinking. First we didn't actually make anything we just had to plan. We made a bubble just like in the Simpsons Moive. Inside the bubble we had an amusement park / water park. This is our DLO of it. 

What would of you made if you had unlimited money?

Thursday 18 March 2021

The Biggest Amusement Park IN THE WORLD. PT1

 Hello and Welcome Back,

Hello everyone this is our road it 100 BLOG POSTS. This is blog number 98 so very soon 100 blogs will be on my account. Anyways this week for reading we had to read about Christchruch and how we came back after the massive earthquake we had back in 2011. The first book I read was called reabuilding Christchurch with amazing ideas. It was mainly about how there was a competition in Christchurch to see who could make the best building that Christchruch might need. Some year 7 Girls won it with a dome. The 2nd book was called life in NZ. It was about how we evoled and how we separated from Gondwana. How animals evoled and adapdet. We had to right some points about it. Heres mine. 

Rebuilding Christchurch with amazing ideas
Girls made a dome with Koru sticking out
Some Girls won a contest about a building for Christchurch
Domes are safer than square buildings
The Dome they made had a playground
It was made so people can come together
Eco friendly
Cafe was made out of adobe so it would make the heat passive

Life as NZ
New Zealnad was all animals before Humans came
Some plants and animals are only found in NZ
There was 2 different contetins: Gondwana and Laurasia before the split
Alot of animals had to adapt like Peguins (thick layers)
The Tuatara is one of the only animals that stayed for ages 
The Tuatara barely changed from 200 million years ago
The Moa wouldn’t fly because it had big legs and big bodys
It also had a great smell and it was like a deer
The Weta grew to around 10cm 
It was very similar to a mice
It is one of the heaviest insects in the world
Plants had to get scarer so they wouldn’t get eatan by the Moa
Even though the Kakapo is slow and couldn’t fly it was a serious predator
The Kakapo had great eye vision
Animals died after Humans came because of climate change

Next week we will be creating our own building or place that Christchurch should have. So me and my mate Lucas are doing a Water park / Amusement park.

What would you want to add to Christchurch and why?

From The Lands of Kaiapoi to Akaroa.

 Do you know your way around a compass?

Do you even know what a compass is. A compass is a thing that tells you where North, South, East and West is. Here is what one looks like. 
What Is A Compass? | How Does A Compass Work? | DK Find Out

Any ways for Maths this week we looked at directions on the app google maps. This was our quest:

You are the warriors chosen by your Rangatira to lead a rescue mission. You are safe at home at Kaiapoi Pa but have heard news of your kinsmen in distress. Ōnawe Pa is under attack and you must get there as soon as possible to rescue those who are under threat and help fight against  Te Rauparaha’s advancing war party. You have been given the following brief:

1.You must measure distance between the two locations ( remember the roads we have today may not be your chosen path)

2.What is the most direct route from one place to the other

3.Include the compass directions both locations are from the centre of Ōtautahi.

4.Find how long it would take by boat.

5.Find how long it would take by car.

This was a map of the the 2 Pas.

This was my screenshot for number 2

The distance is 56.6km

This was my screenshot for number 4
The distance is 112km

This was my screenshot for number 5
The distance is 76km

The direction is South East from Kaiapoi to Ōnawe but then it is North West from Ōnawe to Kaiapoi. The distance is 56.5 kilometres. 

What route would of you taken?

Thursday 11 March 2021

All rise for the Maui tribe!!

 Pa Pa and more Pa

This week everything was about Pa. Maths , Writing and reading was all about Pa. For Maths we had to make a Pa. If you don't know what a Pa is, it is basically just a village on a hill which the Maori used to stay. They had trenches and hangi.  Heres mine,

For writing we had to write about our Pa.
The Pa is placed on a mountain to gaze upon the land and assure that no intruders should attack. The Pa additionally includes fortification meaning the Pa is fortified by sticks and logs forming a barricade for preservation towards the Maui Tribe. The chief of the Maui Tribe is Kingi Maui, Every Maui is different. They all have their certain colour that represents their family. They can even mix colours! None of the Maui’s have a gender. Meaning that they can mix and match! The Maui tribe are a very innovative tribe; they have fabricated many escape routes such as the water slides.  

And for reading we had  to pretend to be a real estate agent and sell a pa in 2021 heres mine.

How much have you learned about Pa?
What would you call your Pa?

Thursday 4 March 2021

First blog of the YEAR!!

 Hello Gentelman and Ladies. 

Yes that is right I am a year 8 this year. It is my last year of my Primary school. This is Week 5 by the time I posted this. For Writing our goal understand the purposes for writing and how to achieve those purposes. We had to do a explaintion story. Mine is about why the Poi and Rakau are so important. Here it is. 

Why is Poi and Rakau so important to the Maori culture?
The Poi was used by some of the first Maori people to land on New Zeland. It was used by the Men and the Woman but for different reasons for each of them. For the men, it was required for battles. As for the Woman it was used as a dance as they could do it all with rhythm. But both genders used it for fixing the flexibility and strength in their hands. Most Maori songs that the first comers wrote all used Poi as an object for it to look good. The Poi’s are made out of flax, rope or what the Maoris called it Kii. They put some rocks and stones in the kii and tied it up using flax. Then the Boys would go out and fight with it by swinging it around. That’s why the Poi is so important. It's because The Maoris used it in a bunch of different ways that meant different things. Rakau otherwise known as Taiaha didn’t have the same vibe as the Poi did. It was mainly traded for Musketts. But before that it was used for close combat as it was sharp and it was heavy. It was between 1.5 meters and 1.8 meters. It had two major things that made Taiaha. Number 1 is obviously being wood. That’s why Taiaha was made alot by the Maori because you could make heaps of it. The next part of a Taiaha is a whale bone. This was the side where you hit your opponents or animals. Like the Poi, Taiaha is so important because of how many different things you can do with it. 
What year are you this year?