
Thursday 26 September 2019


This Term for PBL our driving question was. : How can Invention change our lifes? First we looked a guy called Joseph Machines and he gave us an idea on what we were doing, then we had to pic an evolution of something, me and my friends pick the evolution of Music. This is the slide.

Then we had to pick something that has changed our lifes and my group picked the BIKE! Finally we got to choose what product we would create , we had to think of a problem and then make a solution to it. My group made a coke can opener shaped like a Kiwi because we are from New Zealand. This is what it looked like, this is my action plan.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

To a galaxy far far away, THE MUSEUM!

On Monday the 16th of September my hub were lucky enough to go to the Museum. It was so fun!!! First my had Me, Lucas C, Alexis, Zoe, Jimi, Jack, Archie F and Gabriella. We were allowed to look around the Museum while the other 2 homebases learned. My group went out to lunch first. So we tried to capture seagulls. Then once the other groups we had to leave and do the learning. We learnt how the Maori used inavation to get food and make fire. Then we had a chance to do it ourselfs. I would like to thank the workers at the Museum and the parent help.

Have you ever been to the Museum?

Friday 13 September 2019

Math is so cool!!!

For Maths we have been doing screencasitfys for what we have been learning this term. If you don't know what a screencastify is, it is an video on your chromebook which you can record you self doing stuff. Here is the link to my one. Click here

" You are innocent, no charges will be pressed."

Hello this week for writing we have been doing Jury writing. We got to pick a fairy tale and prenteded that we were in court. My group picked little red riding hood and the wolf is being accused of Kindapping Grandma. Here it is.

Police: please stand for judge archie ( everybody stands)
Plays the  NZ national anthem
Judge : please be seated (everybody sits down)

Judge : last tuesday, on the 11 of september 2019, at 9:33 pm Lucas the grandma accused the wolf of kidnaping her.  So today, on the 13th of september, we head to court to discuss this.

Judge: The wolf has been accused of kidnapping grandma, your statement please Grandma.

Grandma : I want to sue the wolf for kidnapping me. He came to my house with one job and one job only, to kidnap me. With evidence of and broken door and wolf footprints leading to my bed. And when I woke up I was in the woods with a scar on my head. 

Wolf: I objected the was no smashed door what are you talking about. She’s obviously delusional like, just look at her. How old is she?

 Lawyer: my client  is not lying there is now evidence that my client smashed a door he entered through the door, I strongly believe that you are lying Grandma. And the footprints are your Cheetah slippers.

Judge : Stop you are right about there now evidence about the door but there is a police statement about the footprints leading up to the bed but we don’t know if they are slippers or the Wolf’s footprints. Now could we invite the witness up to the now  stand please.  

Witness : I was there at the time walking my dog through the woods and then I heard a window smash and I looked to investigate. When I got there and I saw a little bit of wolf fur on the front broken doorstep and I immediately ran behind a tree and called the police.

Grandmas Lawyer: As I was making a cup of coffee grandma was taking a nap then she hears  something break down the door then before she knew it, she had been kidnapped. It was a terrible seen to see I was terrified.

Judge : Yes but the wolf still kidnaped the grandma wolf why did you kidnap grandma.  

Wolf : I did not. I was simply asking you if you wanted to buy some cookies for a  fundraiser. I knocked on the door but no one answered I could hear something. The door accidently broke then the Grandma followed me out of the house to try and get me. 

Judge : I have come to an agreement this has been a misunderstanding. Grandma woke up and chased the wolf but she fell over and hit her head.  That’s why she went back to sleep, and why she has a scar on her head. So you are both off the hook But its not over if we find some more evidence. 

If you did this writing what story would you choose?

Tuesday 10 September 2019

My reading book is spooky.

Hello today I will tell you about the book that I'm doing for reading. I am reading a book called the Graveyard by Neil Gaiman. I won't tell you much because I don't won't to spoil the book to you. But it is a great book with an intresting start. I havn't read too much of it but I love it. So far I've read about how there is a Killer called Jack and he killed everyone in a family. Except the Baby, now the Baby named Bod can't leave the Graveyard because of a killer. But will he go or will he stay?? I hope you have enjoyed my reading book and I hope you read this book to.

What book are you reading right now?

Another great piece.

Hello this is another one of my explanation texts. Hope you enjoy.

How has Technology changed our school lives.

How was your first day of school, were there TV's, Computers or even ipads. If no there is a lot we need to talk about. Because now we have all those things in school to help us learn.

Now the projector was made because it was an easier way to learn. If the work was on a screen the children would be more attached to it more than they would if the teachers typed it on the board. Also the projector was made in 1879 but if came into the school in 1925. But it wasn’t a projector that used the internet like it does now. Another thing is the printer or the photocopier. This is an easier way for the teacher to give out work like word searches on pieces of paper.

Ipads and computers are very popular at school for younger kids, just like the projector it is more entertaining than doing work on paper. This has changed how people work because it is easier to access a doc or slide  then finding a page in your book. Also you can’t take photos, make movies or even play games with a book but you can with ipads and computers.

Lastly there has been heaps of things to help school learning like how we have math games for a fun way to learn, also some schools have intercon which are when your principale can talk to all the classes at once. Or like how we have ipads so we can check in, and online school reports.

So technology has changed our learning a lot. But I think in the future it will be different, some ideas are portable computers that when you think it types. So I hoped you learnt how technology has changed our lives.

Who am I?

Hello for writing in Tumu we have been doing who am I's. This is when you write some facts about yourself but you don't say your name. Here is my one, enjoy.

Who am I?
My Height 1.46
I’m ½ Irish
My eyes are brown
My favourite sport is dodgeball

I’m ½ Maori
My hair color is brown
I play for Linwood
I play cricket, touch and rugby

My birthday is the 30th of June
I’m good at maths
I like Richie Mo’unga
People say I’m the fastest in the hub at sprints.

What are you learning for your writing?