
Thursday 24 June 2021

Tweeting all about it.

 Welocome back,

This week for writing our goal was Write in structured, well developed paragraphs that flow well from one to the next within the text. We had to fix up our Goldilocks story and add some subheadings. We had to use this picture to help us.

Here is the bit I have changed I added the sub heading and also I added some emojis and better hashtags. The first tweet is about someone who is scared. Informal, the second one is someone who feels bad for the bears. Formal, and lastly the 3rd tweet is about someone who isn't happy with the police. Informal. The intent was to make my article look cooler like it is online. Here is it. 

Tweeting about it

@MatureMonkey44: How am I supposed to swing around my trees when that PEST is on the loose? Totally Not Cool. πŸ‘ŽπŸ˜ž
#Creep in the streets
#Kick the youth 
#90’s rule

@GrandmaBear: I feel so sorry towards my little son and his son. All prayers to them. I never had to deal with this in my day. Anyways my podcast will be starting back up next Tuesday and I would love it if you could attend. 
#We prayπŸ™

@SheepSheran21: Just heard about the news, I really don’t like what the police are doing to handle this, expect better from them. We know this has been happening for ages and now it just goes even worse. Get it together.
#Do betterπŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–
#Police trash

What would you tweet?

Wednesday 23 June 2021

4 Year Old buys $3500 of ice cream!


This week for reading our goal was Select from a wide range of genre when reading independently. We had to go to and pick 3 articles from Kiwi kids news that were from 3 different genres. Then we had to read them and write our thoughts about it. Also we had to rewrite the headline. The cool thing we did this week was there was no DLO's.

Title: 4 Year Old buys $3500 worth of ice cream! - Genre: Interest articles.

I think this is funny and sad at the same time. Like how do you let a 4 year old who has Autism on a computer by himself. Also how did you know the address of his aunties house. But luckily people and giving money to the fundraiser. Some shapes that are in this book are. If I could make the title I would change it to : "$3500 worth of Ice Cream bought but by not who you would think." 

Title: Blackcaps into Test Championship Final - Genre: Sport

For me being a cricket fan and liking the blackcaps I quite enjoy how we are in the final. As the time I am writing this it is the 2nd to last day and it is looking like it will be a draw. But it is good how we made it. I would change the title to "Blackcaps get rematch and Lords after World cup lost"

Title: Tornado hits South Auckland - Genre: Weather, National

I give all my prayers to the residents that have had to deal with loved ones being lost or their homes being ruined. I can't believe what I would do if  that happened to me and my family. But what the government is doing is great and I fully respect it. I would change to title to " Tornado Smacks down in Auckland.

Could you eat that much Ice Cream?

Friday 18 June 2021

Reading W7


This week for reading we did matariki. We read an aritcle about if Matariki should be a public holiday. If you don't know what Matariki is it's basically a cluster of 9 stars that starts the Maori new year. It is a time of celebrating  with family and friends. Our Goal was : Identify some text events and features, and discuss what they make the reader think about. Our DLO was to make a star and at every point and in the middle write if we think Matariki should be a public holiday. Here is mine. 

Do you think Matariki should be a Public Holiday?

Friday 11 June 2021

Areas, Perimters and too much math to handle!

 Hello ,

You know this week we had HEAPS OF GOALS. And when I say heaps I mean HEAPS! Like these were our goals. use side or edge lengths to find the perimeters of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles. Use a variety of strategies to calculate the area of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles. Use side or edge lengths to find the volumes of cuboids. Use appropriate scales, devices, and metric units for weight (mass) and to accurately measure length. Convert between metric units, using whole numbers and commonly used decimals. 

That was alot. We had to do a bunch of questions. Then for the create task we had to make a little course that will be in Top Team. Top team is a big thing that has heaps of Courses. My Course is a 3 legged race which you have to run around cones and drop off a person. We had to figure out the Perimter and Area of the Course here is mine and my friends.

Our Area is 24 meters and our Perimteter is 20 meters.
A cone is every 2 meters. 
There is two teams. 
Would you wanna play our game?

Wednesday 9 June 2021


 Hello and Welcome back,

This week for Reading we did not have any goals to tick off. We had to pick a fiction book (Which means its fake.) and do a charater web on it. A charater web is like a spiderweb. You put the main charaters name in the middle and then the supporting cast around them. You  have to write a little blurb about what they dod in the book and an adjective to go with their name.We go to pick out of a novel, Graphic novel or a short story. I picked a short story/comic. 

It was called "Diary of a Super Swimmer." It is about a boy named Marcus who can't do any sports but his Dad belives he can. So he signs him up for a swim team. Marcus struggles alot with his swimming and isn't enjoying it. But his family makes him keep going. He does his first race and goes bad, but he the next week we works harder and has another race. Does he win it? Does he embarrass himself? You have to read the book yourself. 

Have you ever done a Charater web?


Wednesday 2 June 2021



This week for reading we had to read an article about something and tried to find the Fantastics, Grammaristics and Boomtastics from them. If you don't know what they are I'm here to tell you. Firstly the were made by Jade Considine. They are a wiritng stratergy to make your peice better. The Fantastics include of: Feeling, Asking, Noticing, Touching, Asking, Smelling, Tasting, Imagining and Checking. As you can see the first letter of each of them speel and Fantastics. Each Fantastic is used for different types of writing. Now the Grammaristics and Boomtastics are different. They don't spell out their own name. They include different feauters such as Rhyme, Paragrpahs and other things. My article was about a person coming  to speak about Maori language and how you can get involed. Here is my DLO. 

Have you ever used the Fantastics?